See what makes us different.
Our Strategies
1) Secure monetary resources to fund educational initiatives that promote self-actualization of marginalized individuals in the global society, particularly women and youth, but not limited exclusively to women and youth.
2) Build networks between global educators and provide avenues for disenfranchised populations and/or organizations working with disenfranchised global populations to access educational professionals with expertise on an array of subjects as teachers, speakers, consultants, and technical advisors. All Educate for Opportunity (EFO) projects are designed to strengthen the capacity of local institutions and educational initiatives, catalyze community development, and contribute to individual growth.
3) Develop and build programs, curriculum, assessments and other resources to begin, augment or enhance educational opportunities for disenfranchised global populations and/or organizations working with disenfranchised global populations.
Our Pillars of Programming
Girls’ and Women’s Education
Investing in girls’ and women’s education is the single most effective way to improve the lives of families and communities. EFO programs equip girls and women around the world with the tools they need to take charge over their own lives.
Adult Basic Education
Literacy and language are windows to a world of increased opportunity. Working with adult literacy and language programs and systems, EFO creates social, intellectual and economic opportunities for adults by improving their basic education and English language skills.
Formal Education
EFO seeks to strengthen public and private education curricula and ensure that girls can go to school. The organization seeks to integrate life skills and improving teachers’ skills and school facilities, EFO initiatives create more effective learning environments for children and youth.
Informal Education, Vocational Skills and Practical Training
Without practical occupational skills, people are unable to earn a living and achieve fulfilling lives. EFO expands economic opportunities for disenfranchised people through practical vocational training, integrating occupation skills with business management skills and general education.
Child Labor and Human Trafficking Prevention Education
Many forms of child labor are harmful to the welfare of children and limit their potential. EFO initiatives increase community awareness about child trafficking and child labor. We link youth to education offering them opportunities to change their futures through prevention and re-education.